- This girl’s on a roll.
Chrissy has been working out with me for about a year now. Her workouts range from Jazzercise to Roller Derby, and I’ve watched her lose weight and change hair colors over this time. What follows is her real-life exercise story.
KTFG: When did you start really getting into working out?
CW: I have worked out off and on since high school. I belonged to Gold’s Gym back then. I have had many ups and downs on the scale and in my physical ability. On August 1 2012 I started my latest (and last!) re-start to exercising and eating better.
KTFG: What was your workout of choice?
CW: Early in my workout days I did aerobics and slugged away at the stair climber. My father was a body builder so I have dabbled in weight lifting since I was a kid. I much prefer the aerobics and have always enjoyed the social aspect of fitness classes.
This go round I have been doing Karen’s Core and More Class and Jazzercise. Both are hard but are fun and social. I think the one thing I am missing is I need to add in a once a week yoga class. Oh, and spinning, I was on a spinning kick for a while and miss it. I bet my padded shorts are too big now… ok, sorry. I am addicted to workout gear.
Recently (July 2013) I joined the Roller Derby Rec League. It is an awesome way to burn some calories while having fun. I will roller skate for hours but refuse to run. Ok, well, if some bad guys were chasing me I would run but… only if I had no choice.
KTFG: What do you do when you feel like sitting on the couch, but you know you really should get up and exercise?
CW: This particular scenario is not my issue (right now). I have built my days around exercising. I put my workout clothes on in the morning, drop my daughter off at school and head to Jazzercise. I HATE being out in public in workout clothes IF I am not working out soon. I much prefer real clothes and get super mad at myself if I wear workout clothes and do not work out.
However you do need to build in a day off where you have permission to “sit on the couch” or whatever variation of that recharges you or you will go crazy.
KTFG: How do you self-motivate?
CW: Presents! I buy myself new stuff the MINUTE anything gets too big. I am addicted to buying new workout stuff. I am really looking forward to rewarding myself with some of the nice expensive stuff when I get closer to my goal weight. For now I hit Marshall’s every couple of weeks.
KTFG: Where do you see yourself down the line in terms of physical health?
CW: I am strangely healthy for someone who has so much weight to lose. But I do want to maintain and improve my health. I want to be one of those people that looks like they are getting younger rather than older.
KTFG: What are your goals?
CW: I have long had a “secret” goal of becoming a Weight Watchers leader. But you have to get to and stay at “goal weight” to do that and I have not managed that yet. Also I am working towards becoming a Jazzercise instructor. So I guess my answer is that I want to be healthy and fit enough to be a Weight Watchers leader and Jazzercise instructor so that I can help other people change their lives too.
KTFG: How does weight training fit in with your other workouts?
CW: I do hand weights in various ways to at least 2 – 3 songs per workout.
KTFG: How does it make a difference?
CW: It helps improve my strength in everyday life. I live in a townhouse and lugging groceries up the stairs is much easier when I am working my arms with weights.
KTFG: What advice would you give to someone who knows she needs to be exercising/eating a healthy diet but just can’t imagine how to begin?
CW: 1. Find a way to make it social. Walking with a friend, taking a class, anything that gets you moving AND is fun.
2. Make your workout time concrete on your schedule.
3. Believe that you deserve to be healthy and happy! And when you are, you will be a better you for yourself and everyone around you!